Report to: |
Place Scrutiny Committee
Date of meeting:
13 March 2025 |
By: |
Deputy Chief Executive
Title: |
Call-in: decision made by the Lead Member for Transport and Environment regarding the Proposed Implementation of a Booking System at Household Waste Recycling Sites
Purpose: |
To allow the Committee to consider the call-in in relation to the decision by the Lead Member for Transport and Environment regarding the Proposed Implementation of a Booking System at Household Waste Recycling Sites. |
RECOMMENDATION: The Place Scrutiny Committee is recommended to consider the call-in in relation to the decision taken by the Lead Member for Transport and Environment on 24 February 2025 regarding the Proposed Implementation of a Booking System at Household Waste Recycling Sites and decide what action, if any, to take.
1 Background
1.1 The decision made by the Lead Member for Transport and Environment on 24 February 2025 in relation to the Proposed Implementation of a Booking System at Household Waste Recycling Sites (HWRS), was called in by three Members of the Place Scrutiny Committee - Councillors Julia Hilton, Stephen Shing and Brett Wright - on 28 February 2025. A copy of the call-in request, specifying the grounds of concern requiring consideration by scrutiny, is at Appendix 1.
1.2 The Monitoring Officer and Scrutiny Manager reviewed the call-in request and considered that it was in accordance with the requirements of the call-in process set out in the East Sussex County Council Constitution.
2 Supporting information
2.1 The report regarding proposed implementation of a booking system at Household Waste Recycling Sites, considered by the Lead Member for Transport and Environment on 24 February 2025, is attached at Appendix 2.
2.2 The draft minute outlining the Lead Member’s decision is contained in Appendix 3.
2.3 In summary, the call-in request was based on the following areas of concern in relation to the decision:
2.4 The request concludes that further investigation into the EqIA, future-partner impacts and follow-on costs of an online booking system is needed through the call-in process before a final decision is taken. A meeting of the scrutiny committee has therefore been convened to consider the issues raised in the call-in.
2.5 The Director of Communities, Economy and Transport (CET) has provided information to the committee in relation to the points raised in the call-in request (Appendix 4).
2.6 The role of the Place Scrutiny Committee is to consider the call-in in relation to the decision taken by the Lead Member, and the additional information provided in response to the concerns raised, and decide whether to:
3. Conclusion and reasons for recommendations
3.1 The scrutiny committee cannot change the decision which, as an executive decision, rests with the Lead Member. The committee’s role is to consider the points raised in the call-in request and decide what action, if any, it wishes to take.
Deputy Chief Executive
Martin Jenks, Senior
Scrutiny Adviser
Tel. No. 01273 481327